class Command {
+int ComType;
+int ComCondition;
+float Value;
+time_t Time;
+Command (int t, int c, float v);
+Command ();
-serialize ();
class Point3d {
+short x;
+short y;
+short z;
-serialize ()
class Send {
+unsigned short TopSonicSensor;
+unsigned short FrontSonicSensor;
+unsigned short LeftSonicSensor;
+unsigned short RightSonicSensor;
+unsigned short BackSonicSensor;
+float Roll;
+float Pitch;
+float Yaw;
+float AltitudeSonic;
+float AltitudeBarometer;
+Point3d Acceleration;
+time_t Time;
-serialize ();
Point3d -down-* Send
class KinectData {
+PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr Cloud; // Boost shared_ptr to point cloud
+time_t Time; // Time
+KinectData(PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud, time_t time);
class ReceivedBuffer {
-queue<Type> queue;
-boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex* mtx; // Mutex for thread safety
+boost::interprocess::interprocess_semaphore* Vacant; // Count of vacant places
+boost::interprocess::interprocess_semaphore* Used; // Count of used places
+ReceivedBuffer(int size);
+void Enqueue(Type a); // Add to buffer
+Type Dequeue(); // Receive from buffer
ReceivedBuffer --|> KinectBuffer : Type = shared_ptr<KinectData>
ReceivedBuffer --|> SendBuffer : Type = shared_ptr<Send>
Send --o SendBuffer
KinectData --o KinectBuffer
class CommandMaker {
+void Start ();
+CommandMaker(XMLConfig * x);
-string ip;
-string port;
CommandMaker --> Command : create
class KinectReceiver {
+void Start ();
+KinectReceiver(XMLConfig * x, KinectViewer* v);
-KinectViewer* kinectViewer;
-PointCloudCompression<PointXYZ>* octreeCoder;
-string ip;
-string port;
KinectReceiver --> KinectData : Receive
class KinectViewer {
+void Start ();
+KinectViewer(XMLConfig * x);
+pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer* viewer;
class SendReceiver {
+void Start ();
+SendReceiver (XMLConfig * x, KinectViewer* v);
+~SendReceiver (void);
-string ip;
-string port;
-KinectViewer* kinectViewer;
-void updateText (boost::shared_ptr<Send> s);
SendReceiver --> Send : Receive
SendReceiver -right-> KinectViewer : Use
KinectReceiver -left-> KinectViewer : Use
class XMLConfig {
+string IP;
+string KinectPort;
+string CommandPort;
+string SendPort;
+string CarduinoPort;
+string ArducopterPort;
+pcl::octree::compression_Profiles_e CompressionProfile;
+bool ShowStatistics;
+double PointResolution;
+double OctreeResolution;
+bool DoVoxelGridDownDownSampling;
+unsigned int IFrameRate;
+bool DoColorEncoding;
+unsigned int ColorBitResolution;
+int CameraNumber;
+int CameraFramesPerSecond;
+int CameraFrameWidth;
+int CameraFrameHeight;
-serialize ()